Free Online Article Critique Generator for Students

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Here’s your sample article critique:
This sample critique is AI-generated and should be used for reference purposes only.

Need help writing an article critique? You’ve come to the right place! This free online article critique generator will help you get inspired with ideas for an outstanding analysis.

🤖 Free Article Critique Generator: How to Use

  1. Type in the title of the article you want to analyze.
  2. State the name of its author.
  3. Paste the text of the article. Mind that you can enter up to 2000 words. If your text is longer than that, you can condense it using our summarizer.
  4. Press "Analyze" to get your customized sample review.

✨ Benefits of Our Free Online Article Critique Generator

Want to know more about our article critique generator? Check out its unique advantages:

💸 Free to use You don't have to spend your money on paid study apps when you have our tool.
🌐 AI-based Cutting-edge AI at the heart of this generator ensures the highest quality of the results.
⏱️ Saves time The process of writing an article critique will become much more manageable with the help of our app.
🔍 Great analysis The tool provides a nuanced, in-depth evaluation of any article’s content.
💎 Original This article critique generator creates unique texts every time you use it.

🔬 What Is an Article Critique?

An article critique is a type of academic writing that requires you to analyze an article in detail. Typically, it deals with scientific journals, but it can also focus on other types of content, such as magazines and newspapers.

A typical critique includes a detailed summary of the article’s main points. It also examines the author's claims along with the text’s overall strengths and weaknesses.

An article critique consists of a text's summary and examination of its strengths and weaknesses.

Article Critique vs. Summary

While article critique involves a summary of the text's main points, it’s more than just a simple overview:

  • Aside from presenting a synopsis, an article critique requires you to review the text in-depth and identify its weaknesses and strengths.
  • In contrast, a summary doesn’t include any analysis. Instead, it simply retells the text's contents.

✍️ How to Critique an Article

Now that you know what an article critique is, let's see how you can write it. It may seem intimidating and time-consuming, especially if it's your first time working on such an assignment. Worry not: with our guidance, the task will be a piece of cake.

Follow our tips below, and you'll have a perfect article critique in no time! And if you need additional inspiration, our free article critique generator is here to assist you.

Before You Start

A successful critique starts with attentive reading. Here's how you can get the most out of it:

  • Read the entire article and try to identify its main idea.
  • Look up unfamiliar words to get a better understanding of the text.
  • Carefully reread the article. This time, focus on identifying ideas that support the text’s point.
  • Summarize the article in one or two sentences using your own words.
  • Reread the article once again. This time, analyze how the author supports their ideas. Pay particular attention to examples, facts, opinions, and biases.
  • Consider if the author's ideas are convincing and objective.
List of questions for checking the author's credentials.

Once you’re done reading and preparing, it’s time to start writing.

How Does an Article Critique Begin?

The introduction is the first thing your readers will see, so it's essential to make it impressive and catchy. Here's what a good opening paragraph should include:

  • A brief presentation of the article and its author.
  • An overview of the text's central idea.
  • A thesis statement that describes your observations and outlines how you will discuss the article. A well-written thesis will help your readers grasp the direction of your critique.

What to Include in an Article Critique Body

The body is where you present and support your ideas. You can divide it into two parts: the first summarizes the article, and the second examines and critiques it.

Step 1: Summary

In the summary, discuss the following aspects:

  • The text’s main ideas.
  • The arguments that support these ideas.
  • The author's conclusions or research findings.
  • The broader context in which the article is situated.
Step 2: Critique

After summarizing the text, you can move on to the critique that involves:

  • The discussion of the article's strengths and weaknesses.
  • Ethical considerations the study raises, if there are any.
  • Evaluation of the research methodology or argumentation, including its potential limitations.
  • Your opinions regarding the article's relevance, accuracy, and clarity of presentation.
  • Specific examples from the article that support your statements.

How to Write an Article Critique Conclusion

The conclusion is the last part of your work that leaves one last impression on your readers. A perfect conclusion should include:

  • A very brief recap of the article.
  • A summary of your analysis.
  • Evaluation of the work's value, relevance, and importance.

📑 Best Article Critique Example

Below, you will find an excellent critique of a magazine article taken from The New Yorker. Check it out:

"'Film Noir': The Elusive Genre" by Richard Brody: Article Critique


The article "'Film Noir': The Elusive Genre" by Richard Brody discusses the nature of film noir as a genre. It reflects on the use of the term "noir" in defining two film series, Femmes Noir at Film Forum and Lady in the Dark: Crime Films from Columbia Pictures, 1932-1957 at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). The author discusses the peculiarities of film noir and compares it with other genres that can be easily identified through visual elements or themes. The author considers the absence of the term "noir" in the MoMA series reasonable due to the historical context and the genre's unique characteristics.

of the Article:

The article examines the historical background of the term "film noir" and its absence in early discussions about the genre. It mentions the French critic Nino Frank, who coined the term in 1946. Richard Brody explains that French critics believed film noir movies focus more on psychological narratives and character studies than traditional crime procedurals. This made them unique and deserving of being put into a separate category. The French critics of the postwar years saw these films as a continuation of European filmmakers' efforts to expose corruption and injustice through cinema. The article also touches on the opposition between critics associated with Positif and Cahiers du Cinéma. It highlights and dives more into the political and sociological aspects that French critics appreciated in film noir.

of the Article:

Richard Brody's article provides a comprehensive historical overview of the term "film noir" and mentions its reception and the genre's development thanks to French criticism. However, the writing could be improved if the author included the analysis of the MoMA series. The author could also elaborate on how MoMA's avoidance of the term aligns with his perspective. Additionally, the article could further explore film noir's impact and legacy on contemporary filmmaking and culture. While the historical context is well-presented, a deeper exploration of the genre's lasting impact would add to the article.


Richard Brody's article "'Film Noir': The Elusive Genre" effectively delves into the historical origins of the term "film noir" and its reception by French critics. The author supports MoMA's decision to focus on the element of crime rather than explicitly using the term "noir" in their series. The discussion on the historical origin of film noir as a genre and its connection to social and political contexts presented in the article helps readers understand the cinematic style better. However, a more in-depth analysis of the MoMA series and the discussion of film noir's contemporary relevance would add a new layer to this work.

Now, you're all set to start working on your own article critique! Our free online generator will help you find inspiration and provide you with even more examples. Try it now, and have fun!

If you're looking for further writing assistance, you can also check out our rhetorical device finder and poem checker.

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